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Design process of plush toys

Source: Time:2020-12-08 09:34:56 views:

1. Import of information: Pay attention to the collection of cartoons and shapes, absorb useful things from them, add creative and individual things that boldly use imagination, and record these design ideas.
The design of plush toys roughly goes through the following design steps:
1. Import of information: Pay attention to the collection of cartoons and shapes, absorb useful things from them, add creative and individual things that boldly use imagination, and record these design ideas.
2. Concentration of information: After having design ideas, the next step is to screen these plans and select the best design for modification.
3. Determining the plan: The design should measure various factors from different perspectives, according to various indicators, and determine the final plan after overall consideration.
4. Design renderings: Design renderings are the best expression for us, and it requires color. Only in this way can we express our ideas to the design supervisor for discussion in order to achieve the best design effect.
5. Three-dimensional picture: This is the most effective and convenient method, it only requires black and white. It mainly simplifies the complex process of converting a two-dimensional concept to a three-dimensional concept. The three-dimensional piece drawing is to show all the forming lines that we need to cut and stitch.
6. Pieces of materials used: The pieces of plush toys are similar to pieces of clothing, but the pieces of clothing are more regular, while the pieces of plush toys are ever-changing, and each set of pieces determines a three-dimensional animal shape , It determines the appearance of the design, it is also the most complex and cumbersome design.
7. Trial production of design samples: This process can also be said to be the process of repeatedly modifying and trial-manufacturing the designed pieces and finally reaching the process that is closest to the design renderings. Of course, it is better to achieve the same or even more than the design rendering .
8. Determine the cut piece: After the trial production, we will determine the best cut piece and draw it down, including the materials, colors, hair direction, etc.

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