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What to do if plush toys shed hair

Source: Time:2020-12-08 09:33:13 views:

Since birth, children have many toys, of which plush toys account for the majority. Probably no child did not like plush toys when they were young. They are full and soft, giving a unique warm smile.
  Since birth, children have many toys, of which plush toys account for the majority. Probably no child did not like plush toys when they were young. They are full and soft, giving a unique warm smile. Children have an unparalleled sense of security and relaxation, and they will feel very comfortable and happy when accompanied by plush toys. Parents also bought various plush toys for their babies from various channels. These toys are purchased in large shopping malls, made at home, work-related and so on.

  However, due to material problems, it is sometimes found that some plush toys will shed hair just after leaving the factory or after playing for a period of time. Sometimes it will fall off when cleaning the toy, and sometimes it may be touched by the hand when playing.

  There are very different causes for different types of hair loss. Many plush toys leave the factory only because of the floating of the hair during the production process, or the fiber materials left by the burrs during the cutting process are not cleaned up in time. This type of stuffed toy, when we get it, We can pat a few times and then shake off the broken hair like clothes and pillows. This kind of hair loss is not really meaningful.

  Then the hair that is not floating continues to shed after being slapped, it is best not to continue playing with this kind of shedding toys to prevent children from being affected by the safety of broken hair that falls off for a long time. Plush toys may also cause diseases, such as respiratory infections.

  From a professional point of view, most toys that shed hair are because the material is not soft enough, so they are easy to fall off. The fallen plush surface can easily hide dust, bacteria and other substances, so if the child eats by mistake, it will appear Dangers such as infection.